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Apple is reportedly closing in on a $1 billion deal to buy Intel's smartphone-modem chip business, according to The Wall Street Journal. The deal is expected to be completed as early as next week and would involve Intel offloading the staff and patents from its modem efforts to Apple.

intel apple AP

The news plays into Apple's broader strategy of developing as many components as possible in-house.

The deal with Intel would advance Apple in reaching its ultimate goal of fully controlling its production processes. Over the last decade, Apple has moved to take control of almost all of the silicon design for its key devices, with the main exception being modems.

Apple has been making progress toward developing its own modem in-house as of late, with release dates expected for 2025, but acquiring Intel's smartphone modem chip business would save Apple years of development work and expedite the process as a result.

Doing so is important because as Apple gains greater control over its production process, the company will be able to reduce its reliance on third parties like Qualcomm and better optimize the performance of its devices by controlling both the software and hardware.

If the purchase goes through, Apple would attain a defensive patent portfolio to provide protection against future challenges to 5G products.

Apple's interest in Intel's smartphone-modem chip business is likely being driven by the semiconductor company's extensive 5G-patent portfolio. As Apple moves to develop 5G modems in-house, ownership of Intel's 5G patents would be extremely valuable in helping to protect the firm from being targeted with a patent lawsuit like Verizon was in June: The US carrier had been asked for $1 billion in licensing fees by Huawei for infringing upon its patents.

Without protection, Apple could ultimately have to pay licensing fees to companies like Qualcomm, Nokia, or Huawei to avoid the risk of having to search for new ways to get the core technologies that support its business.

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